The Night before Christmas, my first novel, is currently on sale. Regularly priced at $2.99, the special December price is 99 cents.

The Night before Christmas is not a warm and loving Christmas story, but a book about one family’s tragic Christmas. The need to write the book came one day in 1970 when I heard a news report about a man who killed his children on Christmas Eve. My immediate reaction to that heart-wrenching, horrifying act was a question: Why would a man do that? I set about writing the novel in an attempt to answer that question. The main character, Wes Myers, loves his children, but he fears their souls are being corrupted, and the only way to save their souls is to send them to Heaven to be with Jesus. Over the years, I have heard other news accounts of similar murders in which children were killed for that very reason.

If you would like to know more about the writing of this book and its message, watch the video below and check out the article on askDavid.


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